Search engine ranking (SER), as you know, is crucial. For example, if your listing is off the first page of Google results, you will get less than 1% of the traffic as a first-page listing.
What can you do if your search engine results pages don’t show you on the first page?
First, ensure that you have a complete search engine optimization (SEO) strategy.
Regular content updates should be provided via news alerts, blog posts, or other means.
If the basics are straightforward, but traffic numbers should differ from what they are, it is time to explore other options to improve your settings.
To boost your listing, consider a “local focus” strategy. This involves using local topics to base your site content updates.
These six blog topics are called “local focus.” They can help you attract new customers by focusing your attention on your geographical location.
Customer Achievements
What’s happening in the lives of your customers? It’s good business to ask customers about their lives. If you know of a customer celebrating a milestone in their lives or a success in their business, you might ask them to take a picture and share the details.
Success Stories
Every day, your service or product helps people. It’s time to highlight the most exciting and innovative ways people have used your products and services. Customers will feel valued and local readers may discover that the people featured in this story are people they already know.
Community Profiles
Your web visitors should be exposed to the people and events in your local business community. Your suppliers, neighbors, and local events are all topics you can discuss. Talk about what makes them tick and their achievements, and how proud you feel to have them in the network.
Expert Interviews
What people do you know who are experts on a topic relevant to your customers? Ask them if you can have a guest interview or if they would be willing to write a post for your website. Your customers will benefit from their knowledge and your guests’ access to your website visitors. Consider writing guest blogs for your network and groups like the local Chamber of Commerce.
Support Local Charities
It is always good to give back. You can help a local group by featuring their work or promoting an event or fundraiser. If your team is participating directly, share stories and photos. You can also link to online donations in your blog.
Local Milestones and Seasonal Activities
You can add local information to your content updates, such as the seasons or essential observations. Find creative and relevant ideas. If you are a local business selling air-conditioning, icecreams, or running a pool, you might be eligible for a special offer. A florist might write about the season, and a greengrocer could outline the best summer fruits. Depending on where you live, you might also consider local holidays such as Australia Day or Chinese New Year.
Ask people to share. People are more likely to support local businesses if they feature them or someone they know. Make sure to promote every new post on social media.