My wife may not like it–check that. I know she doesn’t like it. But I use my smartphone a lot at work.
While I may be checking my sports scores and scanning my social media feeds, I am doing something more important than any other.
I check my email every day.
According to the Radicati Group, there are 2.6 billion email users worldwide. The number of emails being sent each day is approximately 205 billion.
This is almost 2.4 million emails per second!
Litmus reports that, on average, 54% of emails are opened on mobile devices, making email easily accessible from anywhere.
Brands need help to catch consumers’ attention in their constantly overflowing inboxes.
Mobile users have shorter attention spans than desktop users, so brands must evaluate whether their mobile email marketing strategy works.
Remember that email subscribers are often busy reading, responding to, or deleting multiple emails via mobile devices.
Ensure your messages stand out, so they don’t go to the trash. An email optimization plan is necessary to ensure your messages are easily readable across all platforms, especially smartphones.
These are five essential tips to increase the effectiveness of your mobile marketing strategy.
Topic Lines Concise
If you have worked in email design for any length, you will likely have heard the mantra: Keep your subject lines concise and brief.
The same principle holds in the mobile space, but to a greater extent.
StubHub and Fatherly used subject lines with so many characters I couldn’t even read the whole thing.
OpenTable, AT & T, and Uber all use shorter subject lines that I can read.
Mobile devices are known to reduce subject email lines to around 30 characters. It’s essential to keep your subject lines concise, clear, and concise.
Keep the main message in a long subject line’s first 15-30 characters.
If you need help with subject lines, we can help.
Use the Preheader
Your email’s preheader text appears at the top of your email above your content.
Refer to the screengrab below. It’s the gray text just below the subject line.
Trust me; this space is valuable whether you design for desktop or mobile.
This is a great way to persuade the recipient of your email to open it.
Preheader text tends to be cut down by iPhones at 75 characters vertical view and 140 characters landscape view. So, as with subject lines, make sure it is clear and concise.
If you are designing a desktop email that includes a link to a separate version for mobile, the preheader can be a great place to put it.
It will be visible to the mobile user first, so they won’t have to scroll through any garbled messages to find it.
Responsive Design
Most smartphones will display the email at approximately 320 pixels width in vertical view. In landscape view, iPhones display content at 480 pixels.
The industry standard is to code desktop emails at 600 pixels wide. This would allow for content that can be used by both mobile and desktop recipients.
This lovely design welcome message includes a coupon and email dimensions of 600x1015px.
The design of the welcome message is responsive and works well when viewed in my Gmail App:
Many smartphones will automatically adjust the size of your email to fit the screen.
The good news is that standard 600-pixel email sizes will display correctly on these devices.
The actual copy should be at least 13 pixels in size. This allows for visibility on all devices.