Your primary goal as a B2B marketer is to create leads to increase your revenue. Many marketing campaigns allow you to target specific personas based on search behavior, geographical region, job level, and other attributes. Your CRM will then be built around MLA or SLA requirements. These criteria determine the prospect criteria to become a viable lead. That’s the way we work in the NetLine Marketing Department. And that’s where marketers run into problems.
Targeting Lead Generation
I don’t care if the directive was issued by your CEO or CMO, but most B2B marketers aim to reach top leadership and C-suite executives at top companies. They are the crème de la crème! These professionals will most likely generate immediate revenue for your business, and you need more of them. Are you right? I can see your target requirements now. ‘I will only accept managers level professionals and higher.
Unfortunately, this is something other than what marketers are used to. NetLine’s content syndication lead generation campaigns were used by 53% of marketers who did this in the last 12 months. You may not have realized that 30% of the professionals who consume long-form business content are not within these parameters. Did you ever look at the non-senior prospects who completed a form to get your content? The answer is yes, and they are dead to me. Garbage in; garbage out. You can see that these prospective ghosts can be more giving.
Check out the Marketplace
Let me explain. Marketers produce a lot of content. There are plans to increase this amount in the coming year. Many marketers are operating blindly, not understanding who is consuming the content. NetLine did a research study to understand the content consumption market better. To find out who and where they work ….NetLine examined over 8 million content downloads to gain insights into the market.
Individual Contributors produced 20% of the total content consumption and reported the highest volume. This represents a 26% increase over the previous 12 months. When comparing Senior Employee and Individual Contributor activity to senior-level activity, senior-level professionals consumed 35% more content. Professionals not part of the traditional organizational structure, such as consultants, reported the highest growth. Over the past 12 months, consultants downloaded 49% more content. This could be due to more companies using Consultants to grow their businesses.